As a category of overglaze porcelain, "Fencai" holds a significant place in the art of porcelain. This type of porcelain is created by applying a layer of glass white and traditional colors onto the body of high-fired white porcelain, followed by a low-temperature firing process. The painting technique typically involves outlining the pattern on the already high-fired white porcelain, then applying a base of arsenic-containing glass white, and subsequently applying the pigments over the glass white. A clean brush is used to blend the colors according to the desired depth and intensity, resulting in a rich layering of light and dark shades for the petals and clothing of figures. Fencai porcelain is renowned for its use of "glass white" technology and its perfect integration with painting skills, which together produce an elegant, delicate, and soft artistic effect, earning it the title of "Pearl of Eastern Art." It originated in the late Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, became more refined during the Yongzheng era, reached its peak during the Qianlong period, and has seen significant development since the establishment of the People's Republic of China.Culturally, the term "Fencai" is often used to describe the resplendent makeup of women and also to characterize vivid and colorful scenes, such as paintings, artworks, or natural landscapes. The term first appeared in the "Yushi Mingyan" by the Ming Dynasty litterateur Feng Menglong, referring to a place named "Fencai Lou" due to the women's striking makeup. Later, this expression evolved into an idiom used to describe various color-related matters.
Fencai tea set mainly includes teapot, tea bowl, tea cup, tea tray, etc. These tea utensils are not only used for daily tea drinking but also hold collectible value due to their exquisite craftsmanship. In addition to their practicality, Fencai tea sets also have decorative appeal, making them excellent gifts and collectibles. Many consumers prefer to choose exquisite tea sets as gifts, especially in business settings, where a set of fine Fencai tea ware is particularly prestigious. This collection consists of a teapot and a tea leaf canister set, which is well-preserved, finely crafted, and beautifully painted. It is a rare and exquisite porcelain piece that also testifies to China's long-standing tea culture and history.
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